Category: Music

January 10, 2023

Here we are, doing coke in an old grain silo

I put a dime in the coke and up and got the fuck up. I did a line of the coke and then I wrote a script up. I did a line of the coke and then I called the doctor, he said “what’s up?”

I said “Doctor, what the hell is shake n’ bake?”

I said, “Doctor, how much can I make?”

I said. “Doctor, I think I’m wide awake?”

He said, “Doctor? Wait, that’s me.. oh my god”

“So let me get this straight…

you did a line of the code and then you tried to wake up?

you took some wine to the pope and then you tried to pet his pup?

you found a dime in the cup and poured the coffee on the top?

You took a mime to the circus and he found the doctor, smoked him up.”


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